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Краса та здоров'я

Are you frustrated with the lack of comfortable and rash-free sanitary pads available in the market ? Are you experiencing discomfort, itching, and rashes during your periods, which affects your overall well-being and confidence ?
Well, that is why we found Gentletouch for :
•Uninterrupted daily activities without the discomfort of rashes
• Confidence and peace of mind knowing you are using a reliable and comfortable solution
•Environmental sustainability
•Empowering women worldwide
• Improved overall well-being during your periods
Gentletouch was founded by a group of women who were tired of uncomfortable and rash-causing sanitary pads. They decided to take matters into their own hands and create a brand that prioritizes comfort, sustainability, and empowerment. With their combined expertise in design, engineering, and marketing, the team worked tirelessly to develop the ultimate period comfort solution - Gentle Touch.
FREE Delivery in Karnataka
29/- Delivery charge only for other States
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